Thursday, March 13, 2008

I think these are Alayna's pants

I knew Kira had been growing. Everyone at church and all her friend's mommys were commenting on how much taller she looked just in the last month. On her birthday in November, when she turned 3, she was still wearing a size 2T and they were baggy and long. But, just a couple weeks ago, I noticed the pants looked like she was preparing for the flood! Luckily, here in NY, we don't go out of the house without our boots on in the winter, so you couldn't really tell how long the pants were supposed to be. I figured we would just wait until Spring and then stock up on shorts and capris in the next size up. Until Monday. I went to put on her (my) favorite pair of jeans and couldn't get the button done at the top.
"Mama, I think these are Alayna's pants!" Kira says distressed.
Ack! What happened to my little toddler girl? Is she really growing up...and right out of her clothes!?!?
So, Off we went to the store for some new duds.
Thankfully, we all needed Easter wear, so I raced around the store pushing the fabulous double stroller cart at Kohls grabbing anything and everything that might fit. We headed for the dressing room. First, mommy. Thankfully, my days at the gym have paid off. Although, I'll never understand how I can wear a size 6 skirt, size 8 in pants and dresses, but still have to go up to a 10 in jeans. Not that I am not thankful for getting rid of my 12s and 14s...but still, a little consistancy would be nice!
Then, it was Alayna's turn. I already knew that my chubby monkey would be in a size 24 month, so we did good there, too.
Then, Kira. Since she was in size 2T before, I grabbed 3T. Imagine my surprise when they were all too small! Yipes! She has skipped a WHOLE SIZE! My I-never-eat-a-darn-thing child has shot up to a 4T overnight! So, we headed back out and grabbed more in the right size.
Now...if only they both had shoes that fit...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

3 going on 13

Kira is such a big girl now and is always looking for ways to prove it! She has been wanting to help me around the house...load the dishwasher, sweep the floors, etc. She also loves to "watch" Alayna for me if I need to go into the other room. LOL!
Last night, when Alayna was up ALL night puking, I didn't get any sleep. Alayna finally fell into a good sleep around 8am. Kira woke up right around the same time (of course) and tried to wake me. I told her I needed a few more minutes. I guess she knew I really needed to sleep. She went to the bathroom and carried her rather large stepstool into the kitchen to get a banana off the counter. Then, she got a plastic cup from the dishdrainer and got a glass of water from the fridge. She even found leggings and a shirt in the clean laundry pile and got dressed! Whew! She's never done any of that before.
I think she finally did go out and wake up daddy, who helped get everything else settled, but she was such a proud girl this morning for taking care of herself so well!