Friday, January 25, 2008


We went to our new doctor today for well visits. Alayna ended up with a lot of shots and we still need lead screenings for both. But, overall, we like her! Here are our latest stats:

Alayna: weight 28 pounds 15 ounces; length 31 1/2 inches; 15 months old

Kira: weight 35 pounds; height 37 inches; 3 years 2 months old

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Feeding Baby

I can't remember Kira ever really liking to play with dolls. She still doesn't really care too much for them and would rather be outside running around, playing with cars, or being a little artist. Alayna, though, is already a little mama. She almost always has a "baby" under her arm that she is toting around. Pushes them in the doll stroller, covers them with blankets or "scarves" that she makes out of whatever she can find. But today, she spent a good 30 minutes feeding her baby. I caught her out of the corner of my eye being so deliberate in her actions and she kept on feeding that baby everywhere she plopped sweet! (More pictures under "Alayna's photos.")

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Kira went to a gymnastics class with a friend from preschool yesterday. And if you know Kira, you know that she L-O-V-E-D every minute of it! She cried when we were leaving. And she took a nap on her own for the first time in a long time, too! She especially loved the jumping, and when we got home she wanted to practice her "tomer-saults" some more. We also read My Daddy's a Pretzel last night and she wanted to do the yoga pozes over...and over...and over. At least it is all directed activity and not random bouncing on the couch! Now if we could only afford to keep going...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

are you kidding me!?

Do you really think I had enough time to set up the website AND blog tonight!?! I wish! Look for more here soon!